Our Proprietary Blend includes ingredients that may may improve the way your body uses oxygen, especially during exercise. (link)
Independent Studies show an improved mental alertness and mood in most participants (link)
In studies ingedients in our Proprietary Blend showed boosted energy, metabolism, and physical performance (link)
A review of multiple studies suggested that ingedients in our Proprietary Blend may not only help reduce fatigue but could also enhance physical performance (link)
We feel our Proprietary Blend of vitamins and ingredients are some of the best on the market.
Boost physical energy levels
Preserve muscular mass
A strong heart allows best performance
Maintain optimal weight and increase energy levels
Provide extra support to the muscles and important organs
Enhances their capacity to recall spatial connections
Our supplement uses natural ingredients; they have few side effects and have secondary benefits that improve our health.
This trace mineral plays some important roles in our bodies. It has a role to play in maintaining muscle and bone strength as well as a healthy sex drive.
This is a plant-based ingredient hailing from Asia that has been used in traditional medicine for a long time and then transitioned into modern medicine. Fenugreek contains a substance called furostanol saponins which researchers believe supports testosterone production.
<<< Tribulus Terrestris is a plant-based ingredient that is capable of improving muscle growth and sexual function. It has a long history in traditional medicine.
Cordyceps are thought to increase the body’s production of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is essential for delivering energy to the muscles.
Boosts energy, metabolism, and physical performance. It also has positive effects on cardiovascular health, improving blood flow and pressure.
From a one time 30 day supply to six month reshipping option, we have the package for you.